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Project | 01

Nothing for Nothing |Campaign

A survey by the company Unlimited found that 87 of disabled people working in the cultural sector have been asked to do something for nothing.

This campaign aims to stop the exploitation of disabled artists and arts workers by asking organisations to pledge to examine their practices and providing free resources to organisations and individuals. I worked as a content creator on this project and created written and video content. 

A hologram like image of a man lying down with a duvet covering him. He is lying on a table. A woman is sat in a wheelchair looking at him. She is wearing a Hololens visor on her heead, which is how she's able to see the man.

Project | 02

Museum of Austerity |XR experience

Museum of Austerity is a mixed reality exhibition that preserves memories of public and private events from the austerity era. Room 1 of the exhibition, which previewed at the BFI London Film Festival Expanded Realities in 2021, records personal stories of disabled benefit claimants who died between 2010 - 2020. 


Combining verbal testimony, original music, and volumetric capture, this exhibition brings together the skills of director Sacha Wares and the in-depth knowledge of John Pring, editor of Disability News Service, inviting audiences to contemplate close up the human impact of austerity. 

I worked as a Producer on this project.

A graphic that reads 'Rising Phoenix Equal Too Achieving Disability Equality

Project | 03

Equal Too: Achieving Disability Equality| Podcast 

This podcast series explores the many aspects of equality through the lens of the Paralympics and sport. I worked as the Production Coordinator on this project but I was also given the opportunity to help with the scriptwriting process and conduct an interview. This series was created by Harder Than You Think, the team behind the double Emmy awarded documentary Rising Phoenix.

Graphic with speech bubbles and a football. It reads Beat the Bot

Project | 04

Beat the Bot| Voice Activated AI

Beat the Bot is a collaboration between BBC Voice + AI and BBC Sport to test the appetite for synthetic voices and voice-controlled quizzes.

I worked as an Assistant Producer on this project.

Project | 05

The Plate| Augmented Reality

‘The Plate’ is an augmented reality (AR) documentary exploring and challenging the understanding of eating disorders. In current representation in the media, portrayal of eating disorders often focus on the very surface level aspects of around food and weight, however people with eating disorders and their families know that the plate is simply where the symptoms of an eating disorder play out. The AR documentary aims to explore the side of eating disorders that are less discussed, such as the mindset of the person. 

Pink graphic with a white circle. In the circle it reads The Blood Line in red with a drop of bloo
The Blood Line Trailer - Meg Fozzard
00:00 / 00:00

Project | 06

Bleeding and Proud| Multi-platform Campaign

I pitched to WaterAid a multi-platform campaign including a VR experience, a podcast series, a social media campaign and a central website to highlight the issue of period taboos and stigma worldwide. 'The Blood Line' is the podcast trailer I created as a demo for this part of the campaign through speaking to a WaterAid representative in Tanzania.

Sound good? 

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